After collecting data, through contemplative prayer, our Intermediates (9-to-14-year-olds) have learnt how to code in Mathematics, which, in this context, involves organizing what they and our Foundation Phase have discerned and categorising it to reveal patterns and / or trends that will inform how we act.
‘And God said…’
Before listening to God and recording what we sensed this week, we asked the Foundation (6-to-9-year-olds), What’s God been saying to us over the last few weeks?’ (RB). ‘We will for sure get the school’ (RR). ‘We must keep praying’ (NN). ‘…for 30 years until our school is built. [We] have to pray more to…
‘We Must Keep Praying’
Our Foundation Phase (6-to-9-year-olds) are beginning to establish what is becoming a regular posture of after mural prayer.
‘The Garden’
Our Foundation Phase (6- to 9-year-olds) gathering to pray together, as part of our 30 Days of Prayer.
Problem Solving
Celebrating Our Cultures, through Food.
In the words of our students, the value of celebrating Heritage Day through food is that we get to share, try and enjoy things we wouldn’t normally. We can even spread the word by encouraging others to do likewise. As a result, we are better connected, and we can even create our own culture from…
Model Making
Our Foundation Phase students (6–8-year-olds) have been working in pairs to construct rudimentary models; following an initial inquiry into vehicles. Note the angles and aerodynamics in some. Next stage: applying Papier-mâché.
Gender-Based Violence
Here’s what we – the Intermediate Phase – think about gender and gender-based violence; provoked Spar’s shopping bag campaign (below) and raising money to support the Rise UP Movement. 1. Gender Traditionally gender is a term used to describe a person based on whether they are ‘male’ or ‘female’. Interestingly, it’s not necessarily about a…
Model Homes
Our Foundation Phase (6- to 8-year-olds) have been thinking about different types of homes and building their own model homes in 3-Dimensions.
Sharing Khoisan-inspired Stories; on Eggs!
Our Intermediates have been inspired – by the storytelling of the Khoisan – to recall a significant time in their lives and share it – on eggs! Today, they applied the foundation for what will become that story.