Our Team

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Rachel Bowyer

Co-founder, Principal and Educator

South African Council for Educators Registration No. 12535835

As you’d expect, for a Principal, Rachel has many leadership qualities, including regular observation and feedback sessions with her team. She is also our ‘documentation’ champion; as she records, displays and reflects the thoughts, observations and wonderings of children.

Rachel has a Masters with Distinction in Education, a Postgraduate Certificate to teach Specific Learning Difficulties and a BEd Honours in Mathematics and Music – Piano and Clarinet. 

In the 11 years prior to launching our quality, diverse and affordable school, Rachel experienced Quintile 1-3 schools, where she worked with Senior Managers and trained / mentored Grade R-4 educators to teach English and isiZulu.

Philip Bowyer

Co-founder and Intermediate Phase Educator

South African Council for Educators Registration No. 12781422

With a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Product Design, Philip’s Reggio-inspired progettazione [design] approach – combined with his knowledge of curricula – involves listening, discerning and encouraging students to hypothesize, research and imagine new possibilities. His facilitation capitalizes on the school’s diversity of thoughts, background and subjects (Peng, 2018).

In overseeing our 9–13-year-olds, Philip is able to draw on his passion, experiences and qualifications as a youth worker, where he holds a Diploma in Theology and Youth Ministry, a Bachelor of Theology Honours and accreditation as a Minister.

Philip is currently studying towards his Masters in Leadership in Education with Liverpool John Moores University;  “an institution founded [in 1823] which became the catalyst for an educational revolution in the city” (LJMU, 2024).

Nolwazi Msane

isiZulu Educator and Teaching Assistant (Foundation Phase)

South African Council for Educators Registered

Nolwazi joined Soul Action’s educational journey over ten years ago, as a member of Rachel’s team of local community members facilitating the teaching of English to learners in one of Durban’s largest lower economic communities.  Since then, Nolwazi has trained as a Child Care Practitioner, and, in May 2021, joined the staff team as our first isiZulu-speaking educator. 

Zac Bowyer

Foundation Phase Educator

South African Council for Educators Registration No. 12797307

Zac joined the team in August 2023, after training as a Primary School Mathematics Specialist in the UK, followed by a year teaching Grade 3s in Abu Dhabi. Zac describes our school as “…a safe, joy-filled space, where all children are valued and all children can develop a deep love for learning.”

As well as a gift for Mathematics, Zac has a First-Class Honours Degree in Philosophy and Politics.

He is well read, loves writing and has developed a real passion for English, which is especially valuable for those children in our Foundation Phase, for whom English is not their Home Language. In his spare time Zac maintains a healthy lifestyle, including regular sessions at the gym. He brings this passion to the teaching of PE.

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1 Esenembi Road, Compensation, Dolphin Coast, KwaZulu Natal.