After learning about cameras, we shared what we noticed about our still images, focused on the mouth, the eyes, the nose, eyelashes, lids, cultures, and the emotions we feel, to name a few.
Author: Phil Bowyer
Creating 3D Shapes
Constructing 3D Shapes Our Foundation Phase in our natural learning environment, using ‘loose parts’ outside to construct 3-Dimensional shapes.
Series and Parallel Circuits
The child-led task: to power a torch, that has one or two lights.
Hunting 3D Shapes
‘A Treasure Hunt – for 3D Shapes!’ “We’re going on a Treasure Hunt” – “Hooray!” the Foundation Phase reply – “‘”Walk around, record what you notice, share what you notice.”
End of Year Christmas Party
Christmas Carol Concert
Ms Mischief – the Junior’s End of Year Play
Our Juniors (8-10-year-olds) wrote their own play, in English; added music and built their own sets, in Creative Arts and then performed it for their families.
Making Waves
Week six of Monday morning prayers, with the Intermediates.
Applied Mathematics
The Intermediate’s applying what they have learnt about 3-Dimensional shapes and reflecting x and y axes in Mathematics, to clay.